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Eternal Regret Song[ 长恨歌】


Eternal Regret Song

Tang Bai Juyi

The Han Emperor valued his beauty and devoted himself to the country, but for many years he could not seek the imperial palace.

There is a young girl from the Yang family who grew up and was raised in a deep boudoir without anyone knowing her.

Natural beauty is hard to give up, once chosen by the king's side.

Looking back, a smile full of charm, the six palaces are pink and colorless.

The spring cold bestows a bath in the Huaqing Pool, while the hot spring water slides and coagulates the fat.

When the attendant lifted up the delicate and powerless, it was the beginning of a new era of grace.

Clouds and flowers sway with golden steps, and hibiscus curtains warm the spring night.

Spring nights are short and bitter, and the sun rises high. From then on, kings do not go to court early.

There is no leisure for banquets and banquets in Chenghuan, and spring comes from a spring outing on a special night.

There are three thousand beautiful women in the harem, and three thousand pets are all in one.

The golden house is dressed up as a charming maid at night, and the jade tower feast is drunk and spring.

Sisters and brothers are all on earth, but pitiful glory begets a door.

Thus, it made parents all over the world reluctant to give birth to men or women.

From a high place in the Li Palace, there are blue clouds, and the wind of fairy music can be heard everywhere.

Slow singing and slow dancing, gazing at bamboo and silk, day after day, the king cannot see enough.

The fishing sun drum stirred up and shattered the melody of the neon clothing and feather clothing.

The smoke and dust of the Jiuchong City Tower rise, and thousands of horses travel southwest.

Cuihua swayed and stopped, leaving the capital gate for over a hundred miles to the west.

The Six Armies have no choice but to turn their heads and die in front of their horses.

No one collects the flowers and mother-of-pearl on the ground, while the jade and golden birds scratch their heads.

The king hid his face and couldn't save him. Looking back, tears and blood flowed together.

The yellow sky is scattered and the wind is rustling, while the cloud stacks linger and climb the Sword Pavilion.

There are few people walking at the foot of Mount Emei, and the flags are dull and the sun is thin.

The water of the Shu River is blue, and the mountains are green. The Holy Lord is in love day and night.

Seeing the moon in the palace, I feel sad, and hearing the sound of the bell breaking in the rain at night.

The sky and earth turned back to Dragon Yu, hesitating and unable to go.

In the soil below Mawei Slope, there is no place where the jade face dies.

Junchen looked at each other with all their clothes, and looked east at the capital gate, believing that horses would return.

Returning to the pond and garden, all remain the same, while the Taihe liquid hibiscus has not yet touched the willow.

The lotus is like a face and the willow is like an eyebrow, how can we not shed tears about it.

Peach and plum blossoms bloom in spring at night, and wutong leaves fall in autumn.

There are many autumn grasses in the southern garden of Xigong, and the fallen leaves cover the terraces with red leaves that do not sweep away.

The disciples of the pear garden have new white hair, and the supervisor of the pepper house is green and old.

On the evening, the fireflies fly and think quietly, and the solitary lamp burns out without falling asleep.

At the beginning of the long night, the bell and drum are lingering, and the starry river is ready for dawn.

The mandarin duck tiles are cold and frosty, and the jade blanket is cold. Who is with them.

Long life and death have passed, and the soul has never come to dream.

The Taoist Hongduke from Linqiong can convey his soul with sincerity.

Feeling the king's restless thoughts, he instructed the alchemists to search diligently.

Emptying and harnessing qi, rushing like electricity, ascending into the heavens and earth to search for all.

Up in poverty and down in the yellow spring, two vast places are nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, I heard that there was a fairy mountain on the sea, amidst the emptiness and mistiness.

The pavilion is exquisitely carved with five clouds rising, among which there are many graceful fairies.

There is a character in it that is too genuine, with varying snowy and floral features.

The west chamber of the Jin Que knocks at the jade gate, and turns to teach Xiao Yu to report double success.

Upon hearing the message from the Emperor of the Han family, the dream soul in the Nine Flowers tent was startled.

Pulling clothes and pushing pillows, hovering, the pearl foil silver screen meandering open.

Yunbin is half new to sleep, and the flower crown is not neatly arranged. Come down from the hall.

The wind blows and the fairy's clothing floats and lifts, like a dance of neon and feather clothing.

Yu Rong's lonely tears dry up, and a pear blossom brings rain in spring.

Gazing affectionately at the King Xie, his voice and countenance were indistinct as he bid farewell.

The love in the Zhaoyang Palace is unparalleled, and the sun and moon grow in the Penglai Palace.

Looking back at the world, I saw no dust or mist in Chang'an.

I will express my deep affection for the old things, and send them with gold hairpins.

The hairpin is left with one strand and one fan, and the hairpin is broken with gold and divided into pieces.

But make your heart as strong as gold, and heaven and earth will meet.

Farewell, kindly resend the words, in which there is an oath that two hearts know.

On the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh lunar month, when there was no one whispering in the middle of the night.

On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.

Time and earth will last, and this hatred will last forever.
