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红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 6

PronunciationTheir lofty mission is to pass calm judgment on the trivial eventsin the daily life of nations. Their wisdom should pre-empt an…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 22 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 67 最快速度: 54 WPM 字数: 13659 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 5

Sensibility and a Pious LadyThe smallest living idea seems an outrage, so accustomed arepeople there to words without colour. Woe to the man…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 19 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 12 最快速度: 58 WPM 字数: 5989 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 4

The Hotel de La MoleWhat is he doing here? might it please him? might he think toplease? RONSARDIf everything seemed strange to Julien, in…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 18 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 46 最快速度: 58 WPM 字数: 26157 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 3

First StepsThat immense valley filled with brilliant lights and with all thosethousands of people dazzles my sight. Not one of them knowsme,…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 16 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 287 最快速度: 91 WPM 字数: 6659 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 2

First Appearance in SocietyAbsurd and touching memory: one's first appearance, at eighteen,alone and unsupported, in a drawing-room! A glanc…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 17 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 82 最快速度: 65 WPM 字数: 16605 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 2 Chapter 1

Country PleasuresO rus, quando ego te aspiciam! VIRGIL [HORACE in earlier edition] 'The gentleman is waiting, surely, for the mail-coach…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 41 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 92 最快速度: 57 WPM 字数: 22168 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 1 Chapter 30

AmbitionThere is only one true nobility left; namely, the title of Duke; Marquis is absurd, at the word Duke one turns one's head. The Edi…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 15 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 64 最快速度: 53 WPM 字数: 35845 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 1 Chapter 29

The First StepHe knew his times, he knew his departement, and he is rich. Le PrecurseurJulien had not yet recovered from the profound abst…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 16 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 68 最快速度: 55 WPM 字数: 31941 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 1 Chapter 28

A ProcessionAll hearts were moved. God's presence seemed to have come down intothese narrow, gothic streets, decked on every side, and strew…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 17 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 86 最快速度: 54 WPM 字数: 15029 开始打字练习

红与黑英文版-Part 1 Chapter 27

First Experience of LifeThe present moment, by God! is the ark of the Lord. Woe betidethe man who lays his hand upon it. DIDEROTThe reader…

时间: 2022-06-12 浏览数: 23 收藏数: 0 评分: 0 测试数: 270 最快速度: 63 WPM 字数: 7537 开始打字练习



