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A moment after we were settled into the room, the captain showed me a drawing of the Nautilus, and began explaining his creation in great detail.

Professor Aronnax, you see that the submarine is shaped like a cigar, with a length of 232 feet, and a maxmum width of twenty-six feet. There are two coverings, one inside the other. At each end of the submarine are breathable air storage rooms. If I wish for the Nautilus to sink, I simply fill the rooms with enough seawater for it to sink. Do you understand my explanation?

I do, I can understand how the submarine is able to sink, but I still do not know how you are able to go to such depths in the ocean under such great pressure.

If I wish to go to great dapths in the ocean, I must to sink at a low speed, so the passengers are able to get used to the pressure changes. And when I wish to return to the surface, I simply use electricity to empty the storage space that has been filled with water, therefore allowing the Nautilus to rise again. My submarine has a great power, with the use of electricity, which gives life to the submarine. If I wish to travle five or six miles below the surface, I must move at quite a low speed. We are able to see our path through the glass box, where members of my crew control the direction. This glass is nealy ten inches thick, able to resist great pressure deep under the surface of the oceans. The Nautilus's path is lit by a powerful electric light, allowing the Nautilus to see nearly half a mile ahead.

Excellent, Captian, but now I must ask you about the accident with the Canadian ship, the Scotia. Had you intended to damage the ship?
