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(Mr Brown, a manager from the Table Mountain National Park)

Reporter:Good morning, Mr Brown. I’m the reporter from International Newspaper. Can I ask you some questions about Table Mountain?

Mr Brown: Sure. It’s my pleasure.

Reporter:Many travelers say as a famous tourist destination in South Africa, it has many great wonders, right?

Mr Brown: Yes. It really does. It’s a flat-topped mountain that looks like a table. Can you see the white cloud over the mountain? It’s called “tablecloth”.

Reporter:Wow, it’s really beautiful.

Mr Brown: Well, it’s also said that there’s a story about “tablecloth”.

Reporter:That sounds interesting! Oh, what is it?

(Mr Brown, a manager from the Table Mountain National Park)

Mr Brown: The local people say that the cloud was formed from a contest between the Devil and a local pirate a long time ago. The cloud of smoke they left became Table Mountain’s tablecloth.

Reporter:That’s very interesting. Many visitors say this is the most special mountain they have ever seen.

Mr Brown: Yes. As one of the famous natural wonders in the world, it attracts many travelers every year.

Reporter:Great! I’ll climb to the top to see the wonders myself someday.
