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shopping online


I wholeheartedly concur with Kelly that the customer obtains more benefits from online shopping, because it means we don’ t has to spend money on transport to the store. Moreover, I would add that online shopping also promotes the development of rural areas. For instance, my hometown was just a rural backwater ten years ago. Because worse geographical position and worse transport lead to poor economic development, people facing low-paying and unemployed, there are increasing number of people escaping from rural areas to big cities to looking for better job. But with the emergence of online shopping, the products of my hometown were sold all over the world, thus there obtain a long and huge development. Admittedly, Paul proposes a relevant point that the negative effect of shopping online outweighs the positives. However, he does not mention that times is processing and the trend of shopping online can’ t be stopped, only by embracing the development of technology can we truly enjoy the benefit brought by it. Substantially, I firmly believe that shopping online always has pros than cons.
