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Tell me about you country by sending me a postcard!


Hi! Bob The Canadian here.

So I went to the store today and I bought some postcards. I'm not sure if you know what, that a postcards are. but a postcard is something that you buy when you are on vacation and then on the back you fill out the address of someone you know and you send them a postcard. I bought those postcards today beacause, in a previous video I asked you what country you were from. and I asked people to post in the comments what country they were from, and it was a really net video. I had a lot of people leave comments from all different parts of the world.

And then I was also thinking how much I like Canada. I like Canada because of the outdoors , it's really beautiful here. I like Canada because the people are friendly. and I really like Canada because of the seasons. So I thought I would do this again. I really curious, I would really like to know more about you countries. So there's two way that you can tell me about you country. The first way is in the comments below! You can go to the comments and please remind me again what country you are from, and post one or two things that you really like you country. Or if want to do someting that's a little more fun, you could go and you could buy a postcard and you could send it to me. So you could go to a store in you country, and you could find a postcard, I hope they're relatively cheap, and please only do this if you can afford do this. Don't spend money to send me a postcard if you need that money for other things.But if you want , go and buy a postcard, and my address I'll put my address right here. and my address will also be in the description below.

And then send me a postcard and on the back give me you name. Put you English name if you have an English name.I know people around the world choose an English name and then tell me something that you like about your country. Tell me something that's beautiful about your country, or something that you like. The front of the postcard can be from one of the beautiful places in your country, And then what I'll do is in few weeks, I'll wait a few weeks and see how many postcards I get. I hope I get lots, and then I'll do another video and I'll show you all of the postcards as well as the beautiful stamps, whatever stamps you end up putting on.

I'll show you all of the postcards that I received in a few weeks.
