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Your words are the mirror of your thoughts. 你说的话反映了你的思想.

It is late. My aunt must be sleeping now. 天色已晚,我姑姑现在一定在睡觉.

My mother and I go shopping together once a week. 我妈和我每周一起逛街一次.

The average age of the female applicants is 21. 女性申请人的平均年龄为21岁.

A woman is walking toward me. 一个女人向我走来.

I was in my car when she called. 她打电话给我时我在车里.

We will fly to Las Vegas this weekend. 我们本周末将飞往拉斯维加斯.

UK should have gone into coronavirus lockdown sooner, I think. 我认为英国应该更早点进入新冠病毒封锁期的.

I was a zoo and wildlife park employee for years. 我曾在动物园和野生动物园工作多年.

If the dress fits, wear it. 如果礼服合适,就把它穿上吧.
