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Both the Length and the Nature of Screen Time Matter


In recent years experts have been raising discussions about the use of digital device and its impact on children, the result of which urges that parents should limit their children's screen time. However, an opinion held by the psychologist Jocelyn Brewer and Dr Andrew Pryzbylski tells people to believe what matters more is the nature of screen time rather than the length. Personally speaking, I insist that both the length and the nature of screen time matter.

Firstly, it is necessary that the screen time should be strictly restricted since being exposed to the screen for a long time will do harm to the children both physically and mentally. On the one hand, spending too much time staying in front of the screen is bad for eyes and it may result in some illnesses such as obesity. On the other hand, staring at the screen is a one-way activity in which input considerably outreaches output. That is to say, it is sort of something that deprives the rights of active thinking.

Secondly, it is urgent that the nature of screen time deserve special attention. Therefore, parents are recommended to join their children instead of leaving them alone whenever possible. For one thing, being together will ensure that what their children are watching is healthy and proper. For another, through interaction, parents will know their children better, which helps to eliminate the generation gap, contributes to the harmony of the family and guarantees the sound growth of their beloved ones.

To sum up, not only the length of screen time is of importance, but also the nature of it matters. Parents ought to responsibly supervise their children and seize the chance of taking part in children's growth.
